All we hear about these days is juice, juice, juice! From celebrities to magazines and even the guy next door – everyone seems to be juicing. But what are the actual benefits of this new diet, or is it just another health craze?

The benefits of juicing are innumerable, but the main reason that so many people are choosing to juice their ‘five a day’ is because consuming vegetables in their raw state means that you are getting all the goodness and a high concentration of enzymes, vitamins and minerals that would normally be lost through cooking.

Whether you choose to drink your juices once, twice or more times a day, the best and most effective way to begin is with a three-day raw juice cleanse. By only putting raw juice into your body, you will be fed and nourished with the most potent of foods as nature intended, and you will fully benefit from this detox process as harmful toxins are removed from your system.

As the toxins disappear you will be amazed at your renewed energy levels and will feel alive, awake and revitalised. The first thing you will notice physically is a change to your skin, which will be glowing, followed by healthy nails and hair. You will feel fresher, younger and lighter, as you begin to shed excess pounds and your body feels trim, taught and youthful.

As soon as your body is rid of the harmful and powerful effects of toxins such as alcohol, sugar and caffeine, you will also have more mental clarity; your thinking will be quicker, sharper and more efficient. In fact, from every aspect (looking, feeling and thinking) you will notice the positive changes almost immediately. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s begin…

Before embarking upon a detox cleanse, preparing your body is crucial. This way you are ready to ingest all of the goodness and maximise the benefits without any hunger pangs or jolts to the system. Begin by phasing out sugar, meat, dairy, starches, caffeine and alcohol over the couple of weeks leading up to your detox. Little by little is always the best way to prepare so that you don’t send your body into shock and you will find it easier to avoid any symptoms of withdrawal or cravings.

It’s also beneficial to boost hydration by drinking two to three litres of water every day as well as plenty of green tea, which is a brilliant antioxidant, and you can continue to drink this throughout the cleanse. In the week leading up to your detox your meals should consist of plenty of leafy green salads, nuts, grains and vegetables, and you should already feel lighter, less bloated and more energetic.

For the three days of detox you must consume only organic and cold-pressed juices. Cold pressed juice means that through a slow and careful process of hydraulically extracting fruit and vegetable juice, you not only get the highest quality plant-based nutrition available, you also get the freshest tasting juice possible. Cold press juicers use just enough pressure to extract the juice while preserving its vitamins, enzymes, trace minerals and overall nutrients up to five times more than any other juicer. The best ingredients for ultimate performance and results are fruit and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals such as apples, avocados, beetroots, carrots, cucumbers, courgettes, ginger root, kale, lemons, limes, green peppers, red peppers, spinach, spirulina and wheatgrass. Combined in delicious mixtures to create fruity, nutty or citric flavours, in order to maximise the benefits the juices should be consumed leisurely rather than gulped.

Within no time at all you will look and feel great, and your body and mind will feel more youthful, full of energy and vitality. Whether you chose to juice everyday, once a month, or for a special occasion or holiday, you will notice the changes immediately, and what was simply a three-day detox will soon become a way of life. After all, this is how nature intended us to be.

If you have any questions concerning your next detox don’t hesitate to contact Radiant Yoga Marbella for advice.

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