Prana Kriya Yoga is a very powerful system which harmonizes and unites the flow of physical movement of the body (kriya) with its energetic potential (prana) helping you to become more aware of your spiritual nature. It is a highly energizing and cleansing practice which has been held by masters of yoga to slow down the ageing process. It does this by recharging the blood with oxygen and decarbonizing it, thereby rejuvenating the brain and spinal centers and preventing the decay of tissues in the body. It also helps to awaken the kundalini shakti energy. The practice emphasizes the breath, kumbhaka (breath retention), bandhas (locks), drishti (gazing points), chakras, mudras (gestures), mantras and meditation.

Himalayan Hatha Yoga is based on traditional principles of yoga. It is a strong, yet supportive form of practice which works through the entire body, building strength and flexibility, cleansing and revitalizing through special sequencing, with a combination of subtle body exercise.

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