with Sara Martin Blanco & Lori Sjollema
October 10TH-14TH 2021
Huerta Belinda, Tarifa
Hello Radiant Friends!!
We hosted our first retreat at Huerta Belinda in June 2020 and instantly fell in love with this magical location nestled in the valley of El Cuarton just before Tarifa. We are looking forward to welcome you here again from the 10-14th of October 2021 for a second round of wellness. This time we have prepared a 4 day retreat that will take you on a practical journey through the Doshas.
In Ayurveda, India’s ancient and holistic system of medicine, the ‘Doshas’ are three energies believed to circulate in the body that govern physiological activity. Their differing proportions in each individual determine a person’s temperament and physical constitution and (when unbalanced) cause a disposition to particular physical ailments and mental disorders.
We will learn the key characteristics of these energies and how they relate to the elements as well as what we can do to restore balance when disharmony happens in the body through nutrition, yoga and self care.
For newcomers, your home for 4 nights will be Huerta Belinda, a tranquil and spacious venue boasting breathtaking views over the strait to Morocco. The program includes daily yoga rituals, outdoor activities, and down time to rest and integrate.
We are delighted to have Pachamama Organic Kitchen on board again preparing delicious wholesome food for us.
This retreat is a great opportunity to introduce yourself to the world of Ayurveda and its healing wisdom. It will offer you great insight on how the practice of Hatha yoga can be used and applied in different ways to promote healing and restore balance to body, mind and spirit.
We will be hosting as well special workshops to introduce you to Ayurveda to inspire us to take our health and healing seriously and to learn how to incorporate it into our busy daily lives. Plenty of time as well to enjoy the stunning white sandy beaches and crystalline waters of Tarifa.

Huerta Belinda is a lovely country Manor House set in a natural and secluded plot of 7500 sqm, with stunning, breathtaking views across to Morocco and Africa beyond. It has beautiful, spacious, cozy bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms and many ample rooms to relax as well as majestic spaces for you to wind down by the pool, garden or terrace.
Tarifa sits at the southern-most point of mainland Europe, where the Mediterranean meets the Atlantic. Just 14km across the Straits of Gibraltar at its narrowest point, the town enjoys spectacular views of the ‘Rif’ mountains of North Africa, just across the water. Tarifa encompasses much more than the small medieval fishing town; ten kilometres of white sandy beaches, the unspoilt countryside of the ‘El Estrecho’ Natural Park, and some of the best kite & windsurfing conditions in Europe have established Tarifa as a ‘true surfers´ paradise.
Anne Marie and Benjamin are a passionate duo that pour their love into growing and creating delicious 100% organic plant-based whole foods. “For them the most direct way in which we can eat our way to better health while at the same time taking better care of Mother Earth is by offering 100% organic, mostly plant-based food, grown and created in a friendly, respectful and mindful environment. Every small scale contribution to this solution will eventually make a huge difference to the health of our planet.”
“Ha” means sun and “tha” means moon so the hatha practice helps us to balance our “masculine” and “feminine” aspects, finding equilibrium. During the practice you will build strength and flexibility. This asana practice cultivates focus, and helps to clear the energy pathways in the body bringing it to a sense of alignment.
Yin yoga is a practice that works the connective tissues (fascia, ligaments, tendons and bones) of the body.It is a soft and passive practice that requires slowing down so we can surrender the body to gravity and enter a state of self-inquiry and contemplation. It is an asana and meditation practice all rolled into one, that helps to release and clear the energy pathways of the body.
Ayurvedic medicine (“Ayurveda” for short) is one of the world’s oldest holistic (“whole-body”) healing systems. It was developed more than 3,000 years ago in India. It’s based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Its main goal is to promote good health, not fight disease. But treatments may be geared toward specific health problems.
Ayurveda teaches that everything in the universe – dead or alive – is connected. If your mind, body, and spirit are in harmony with the universe, you have good health. When something disrupts this balance, you get sick. Among the things that can upset this balance are genetic, birth defects, injuries, climate and seasonal change, age, and your emotions. Those who practice Ayurveda believe every person is made of five basic elements found in the universe: space, air, fire, water, and earth.

Check-in + Arrival fresh snack: 3pm
Welcome circle: 4.30pm
Gentle yoga: 5-6:30pm
Dinner: 7pm
Morning Yoga: 8-10am
Brunch: 10am
Discussion talk: 12am-2pm – Ayurveda introduction/Doshas
Free time: 2pm-5pm Book your therapies / Relax by the pool / Read
Yin yoga: 5pm-7pm
Dinner: 7pm
Morning Yoga: 8-9.30am
Nature Walk: 09.30am-11.30am
Brunch: 11.30am
Free time: 3pm-4pm Book your therapies / Relax by the pool / Read
Discussion talk: 4pm-5pm -Aryuveda Doshas – Energy
Evening yoga: 5pm-7pm
Dinner: 7pm
Morning Yoga: 8-10am
Brunch: 10:00am
Free Time: 12-14pm Book your therapies / Relax by the pool / Read
Ayurveda workshop food 2pm-16.30pm
Evening Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra: 5pm-7pm
Dinner: 7:30pm
Karma service (optional) help clean up!
Morning Yoga: 8-10am
Brunch: 10:00am
Check-out: 12pm


Sara rolled her mat for the first time at the age of 17 and since then her practice has never left her. She began as a curious student and naturally progressed with her studies to become a certified 500H Yoga Alliance Teacher. Her passion for yoga and its many facets is infinite. It has taught her to LOVEFULLY, to have fun, to keep things simple and to experience movement as true medicine.
Sara have studied under many inspiring international teachers such as Meghan Currie, Chris Chavez, John Friend, Desi Springer, Tina Nance, and Elena Brower. She likes to weave different styles and approaches to working with the body, mind and spirit into her classes.

Lori has devoted herself as a Yoga teacher and body Therapist for over 40 years. She has trained extensively in various yoga traditions and influences including Vinayasa Flow, Iyengar, Anusara and Rasa Yoga. She shares her love a and passion for Ayurvedic healing. Yet most of all she teaches and shares from the experience and wisdom of her own life and how to overcome traumas and stand within your own power honestly and with authenticity.
She is currently a 500H certified teacher.

Prices per person
€790 shared twin room with en-suite
€920 single room with en-suite
Deposit on booking – €300 non refundable
Please make your transfer to this account:
Radiant Yoga Marbella S.L. ES24 0081 2097 6900 0120 5924
International BIC: BSABESBB
Any further questions please write to Lori at lori@yoga-in-marbella.net