Opening Our Doors to You

Opening Our Doors to You

At Radiant Yoga Marbella, we sincerely hope that as you are reading this, you are healthy and you and your loved ones are coming out of lockdown feeling well in mind, body and spirit, and with renewed vigour following the challenges of the confinement to contain the...
Yoga, Mindfulness & Meditation During Lockdown

Yoga, Mindfulness & Meditation During Lockdown

How do you keep your mind when all around you, people are losing theirs? The current Covid 19 coronavirus health crisis is unleashing unprecedented levels of stress on humanity, as we collectively deal with illness, loss, fear, stress, change, uncertainty and...
Slow and Steady Yoga Progress

Slow and Steady Yoga Progress

The purpose of slow & steady yoga is to generate harmony of mind, body, spirit and environment. Yoga is not a competition. How then, do we measure our progress in our practice? Blog: Louise Cook-Edwards Sitting twists, head-stands, balances on one leg,...
A Field Of Daises

A Field Of Daises

INTRODUCTION  This paper reveals one teaching in The Light on Life by B.K.S. Iyengar that particularly impacted me, how I verified its applicability by testing it in a real-world situation and what’s the final conclusion.  THE TEACHING  Correct knowledge is based on...
Prana Kriya Yoga

Prana Kriya Yoga

Relatively new at Radiant Yoga Marbella, Prana Kriya Yoga classes with Yogi Kaivalyananda are proving to be hugely popular. What is it about this challenging form of yoga that just keeps people coming back for more? “Kneel down in vajrasana, place fists on hip creases...
Yoga Practice & Progress

Yoga Practice & Progress

Yoga is all about unity of mind, body and spirit, and not about quantifiable progress. The practice of yoga is so personal to each individual; for some it’s about toning and relaxing the body, for others flexibility, for others it’s for the feelings of calm,...
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