Yin Yoga: A Comprehensive Guide to the Practice

Yin Yoga: A Comprehensive Guide to the Practice

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to Yin Yoga, a practice that has gained popularity in recent years for its ability to help us slow down and connect with our bodies deeply and meaningfully. In this article, we will explore the origins of Yin Yoga, its benefits, and...
Hatha Flow Yoga Marbella: A Comprehensive Guide

Hatha Flow Yoga Marbella: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to Hatha Flow Yoga, one of the most popular styles of yoga practised today. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or a beginner, this guide will provide all the information you need to deepen your understanding of Hatha Flow Yoga and...
The 7 Most Popular Types of Yoga in Marbella

The 7 Most Popular Types of Yoga in Marbella

Yoga is a spiritual discipline popular in South Asia that combines physical activity, breathing techniques, and meditation. However, most yoga classes concentrate on the asana, or bodily movement, component of yoga. Even if you have practised yoga for a long time, it...
Mercury retrograde. RE-evaluating.

Mercury retrograde. RE-evaluating.

Mercury rules our mental activity and this causes that, until October 18th when it will enter directly again, our mind turns 180 degrees to look inside.  As a consequence, we can feel the external world slowing down or.. that we slow down regarding the movement of the...
Yoga in the Time of Corona | Yoga in Marbella | Radiant Yoga

Yoga in the Time of Corona | Yoga in Marbella | Radiant Yoga

Yoga in the Time of Corona Beginning a new year is always a great time to put new habits, regimes and lifestyle choices into action, whether it’s losing weight, getting fit, being more organised or giving up smoking, meat or dairy – but this New Year didn’t feel...
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